Meet (Employee Name)
Name, Title
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas quis risus est. Duis pulvinar eros diam, sed tempus nisl venenatis eget.
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Quisque ac posuere diam. Maecenas tincidunt quis enim et euismod. Fusce eget finibus sem. Duis iaculis nisi eu neque porta sagittis. Cras in feugiat magna, ac varius diam. In et scelerisque mauris.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas quis risus est. Duis pulvinar eros diam, sed tempus nisl venenatis eget.
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Sed id semper eros. Ut non elit vel ex tristique tincidunt. Ut porta velit velit, non blandit mi auctor gravida. Aenean aliquam ligula quam, non pharetra ante tincidunt sit amet. Donec consequat malesuada mauris, non condimentum arcu porta non. Sed facilisis tortor eros, a fringilla dui commodo a. Pellentesque pharetra, quam gravida pretium blandit, eros magna tincidunt enim, a porta
I do my very best to take care of the patient's every day. I work as part of the team to give excellent patient care and support Fresenius Kidney Care any way I can.
Tina, Travel RN
Heading 5
Sed id semper eros. Ut non elit vel ex tristique tincidunt. Ut porta velit velit, non blandit mi auctor gravida. Aenean aliquam ligula quam, non pharetra ante tincidunt sit amet. Donec consequat malesuada mauris, non condimentum arcu porta non. Sed facilisis tortor eros, a fringilla dui commodo a. Pellentesque pharetra, quam gravida pretium blandit, eros magna tincidunt enim, a porta quam nulla quis diam.
This line starts with a break This line also starts with a break
Bold: Nulla non lectus vel felis consectetur sagittis. Strong: Donec gravida sagittis iaculis.
Emphasis: Nulla ex neque, feugiat vel bibendum in, fringilla eget eros. Italics: In efficitur porta tellus, id pretium nisi.
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Event Title Label Event Title
Date: 1/23/22
Time: 9am EST
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Local Fresenius Kidney Care Clinics
Liberty Dialysis - Liverpool
1304 Buckley Road, Syracuse, NY
Liberty Dialysis - St Joseph's Regional
973 James St, Syracuse, NY 13203
Working as a Patient Care Technician - A Day in the Life
Applying for a new job can be a difficult process, with unanswered questions like “What would I be doing on a daily basis?” or “What do individuals usually find challenging about this job?” At Fresenius Medical Care, we believe that the best candidates are those who have a clear understanding of the role they’re applying for. That’s why we created our Day in the Life of a PCT video, which offers an in-depth look at the daily responsibilities, challenges, advantages and growth opportunity of a PCT from the perspective of our employees themselves.
Our Patient Care Technicians are ready to share their experience and advice with you. Meet them in the video below to get an inside look at life as an Fresenius Medical Care PCT.
Want to Become a Clinical Manager with US?
At FMCNA, we’re always looking for dedicated Clinical Managers to join our talented team. Check out the handy infographic below to learn about this highly rewarding position:
Does this sound like a job for you? View our current Clinical Manager job opportunities today.
Careers in the Pacific Northwest
According to a recent report from the University of Oregon, almost every metro economy in the state of Oregon is expanding at or above their normal rates. More people are looking for jobs, and unemployment claims decreased in key metro areas.
If you’re looking for a career in the Pacific Northwest region, these signs of labor market health are encouraging. And, Oregon is one of only five states with no sales tax; an added bonus if you’re considering relocation.
The invariably quirky city of Portland can feel particularly attractive to millennial job seekers. It boasts an efficient public transit system, and has been voted America’s Top Bike-Friendly City by
The city’s focus on sustainability environmental protection, coupled with the DIY ethic that fuels the city’s passionate coffee and microbrew scenes make Portland an appealing place to live and work for professionals of any age. Fresenius currently has multiple openings for both clinical and professional careers in Portland.
Outside of the city, however, opportunities to live and work in the scenic towns of Oregon and Washington abound. In 2013, FMCNA opened a brand new clinic in The Dalles, OR. In addition to the many new hemodialysis machines in the clinic’s large treatment room, the clinic offers heated massage chairs and individual televisions for each patient’s comfort.
Clinic Manager Maja, who moved to Oregon from Alaska, said,
“When I came [to The Dalles], I was really charmed by the town. It has a very cozy feeling. Driving by on the highway doesn’t really do it justice."
You can read more about FMCNA’s New Dalles clinic in this article from The Dalles Chronicle.
Among these quiet towns outside of Portland, the Scenic Byways of Oregon give residents access to the natural beauty of the region, with opportunities for hiking, camping and other outdoor activities as well as routes for leisurely drives throughout the state.
Fresenius Medical Care provides unique opportunities for professional fulfillment delivering a high standard of personalized patient care in clinics across the Pacific Northwest. Whether in the unique urban hub of Portland, or in scenic communities like The Dalles, employees can enjoy the many benefits of living and working in the charming cities and towns of Oregon and Washington.
Hiring Event Fresenius Medical Care onsite at Hahnemann Hospital
Date: 7/23/2019
Time: 7:30am - 3:30pm
Location: Hahnemann Hospital - 6th floor
Event Details: Fresenius Medical Care North America will be onsite at Hahnemann Hospital to share details regarding our career opportunities with colleagues looking to keep helping dialysis patients. Recruiters will be able to share information regarding our company, our culture and our current openings. Please bring your resume and questions. If you cannot make the event, contact our team to still be considered.
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