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Meet Casey

Casey Stowell is our Regional Vice President in the Pacific Northwest and loves her job. She has been with Fresenius Medical Care North America (FMCNA) for 19 years and had no idea that when she first accepted a job as a secretary at a clinic she was saying yes to a fulfilling career. Read more on her story on how she grew at FMCNA and how that has impacted her over the years.


Q: Why did you join the FMCNA team?

A: Honestly, when I moved to Oregon it was the first job I was offered.

Q: How do you feel that your role is a “vital part” in supporting our patients and our company?

A: My role is vital in ensuring that the clinics have the support they need to successfully provide the highest quality care of our patients possible.

Q: Describe an experience or feeling that stands out when thinking of your career with FMCNA

A: I started with FKC as a secretary in a clinic in Salem, Oregon in 2001. I had just moved to Salem when FMCNA made me an offer of employment. I had several job offers after but was working with a great team and was committed. As it turns out, I had made a life-changing choice that day when I said, “I accept”.

I took the job not knowing anything about dialysis. I was like a sponge and tried to absorb every bit of information. I was able to sit in on quality meetings, care plan meetings learning every aspect of the clinic. I wanted to learn so I could help. The staff there taught me so much. I often say I was raised in dialysis by some of the best RN’s and PCT’s in the industry! Never once did I feel any lesser for being in a Secretarial role. Today almost 20 years later, many of those amazing staff are still working for Fresenius.

At the time I started I had a Bachelor’s degree in Sociology and had no idea what I would do with it. One day, a new Nephrologist came to the window and handed me his credentialing paperwork and I noticed he was only 1 month older than I was…..and he was a doctor! That was like a lightbulb moment for me that I needed to do something for myself and my career.

I knew I loved what I was doing and realized that I needed to go back to school. I knew of the FMCNA tuition reimbursement policy and I took full advantage of it. I enrolled in an MBA program. I took the slow road and completed a 2-year degree into three years, while still working full-time. The clinic and staff supported me every step of the way.

Once I had the MBA in hand, right at my 5th year at the company, my career took off! I have been promoted five times since and have never had to move. I never wanted to leave the company because for one they BELIEVED in me. Secondly, they HELPED me launch a career path. Despite my role in the company they TAUGHT me so much about the industry all I did was soak it in. Lastly, I VALUE what we were striving to accomplish, bettering people’s lives not just patients but our staff. 

The company has been so good to me.  I tell all that I can, take full advantage of the career path that Fresenius allows them to have if they so choose.  I can honestly say I was once lost.  I took a leap of faith with a company I did not know and as a result, have had an amazing career.  It challenges me and at the same time fills my cup, for that I am so grateful.    

About Fresenius Medical Care

We have become a global leader in healthcare because of the unwavering dedication our people bring to work every day. Whether that means developing new-to-market dialysis technology or educating patients, our team touches the lives of more than 190,000 patients through innovative care and profound, personal connections.

With Fresenius Medical Care North America, you will “be the difference,” enabling patients to thrive, providing comfort to families, supporting coworkers so they can realize their goals, compelling our company to achieve through innovation and performance, and driving the development of your career.

Our team is made up of over 64,000 dedicated employees in North America, all of whom focus on being the difference and delivering the highest-quality care to people with kidney disease – helping them to lead longer better and healthier lives

Why Join our team?

  • Rated as one of Forbes’ U.S. Best Employers
  • Paid one-on-one training
  • Tuition reimbursement
  • Comprehensive health insurance
  • Paid time off
  • 401(K) and much more

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