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Celebrating Exceptional Colleague Tenure

These colleagues have maintained long careers with us. Recently, Fresenius Medical Care (FMCNA) celebrated our 25th anniversary, and with this 361 colleagues also celebrated their 25th career anniversaries. When you see tenure like this you pause and ask, "why did they stay, what has their journey been like, what would they tell job seekers considering a career with us?"  

Today, job seekers have increased access to career opportunities, so retaining these top talents mean we are doing something right. We have spoken to these colleagues to discuss what that is and why they have chosen to build their careers with FMCNA.

Why have you chosen to stay with Fresenius Medical Care for 25 years?

"The people! I started as a nurse in the clinic, and had such a wonderful Clinical Manager. She not only taught me dialysis, but other important aspects that has assisted me in my career today. Over the years in the various positions I've held, I've had great managers. Fresenius is a great company to work for and has allowed many opportunities for advancement! I'm very proud to work for FKC!"
Monica Richards, Senior Manager Clinical Technology - Capitol Lakes & Northeast Group

"I have enjoyed the people I worked with over the years. I like that Fresenius is respectful and values everyone regardless of age, gender, race, ethnicity, religion, or sexual orientation. They don't just say it, they celebrate it."
Jon Quyle, Applications Analyst, Enterprise Systems

"I love working in dialysis because of the difference I could make in people's lives. Those people include our patients, families, co-workers, physicians and all the other people who our individual and collective efforts help, everyday. Over the 25 years, that mission has continued to crystalize and strengthen and its been rewarding to play a small part in that growth."
Ken Nelson, VP Sub-Acute Care

"FMC acts with integrity for the benefits of our patients and has inspired engagement and passion in all of our employees. FMC have been given the opportunity for professional development as a supervisor, anemia and vascular access management and clinical manager. I am currently studying for a master's degree in Health Administration Management and thanks to Fresenius for the opportunity to fulfill my dreams."
Letisia Gonzalez, Clinical Manager

"I have chosen to stay with Fresenius given the flexibility it has given to my life. I am certain I could have left the company in the past for more pay but actually would have sacrificed benefits that are not easily put into numbers. I have overcome simple things such as a long, heavy traffic commute and nightly graduate school classes to more complex things such as medical conditions and secondary jobs that I may not have done elsewhere. I have also never felt that Fresenius was ever at the risk of declining in its field and have felt a job security many others I know have not seen in their fields or workplaces."
Jeff Ralston, Senior Operations Analyst

"Early on I realized the Medical industry and Fresenius Medical Care with its medical manufacturing were a relatively stable industry. Knowing my work results would present direct benefits to people’s lives made it worth investing my career into Fresenius. As time went on Fresenius became more than a corporation, it became a family of people that I cared about. I was not only working for my personal success, but also for the success of all of the other employees in the facility."
David Johnson, Sr. Design Assurance Engineer

"I have chosen to stay with Fresenius Medical Care for 25 years simply because I love what I do! I feel valued, recognized, and respected by everyone that I’ve encountered through my journey. Embracing change has been a catalyst for my longevity with the company. I’ve truly been blessed to be afforded the opportunity to work with such amazing people!"
Kerri Stevens, Senior Accounts Payable Manager

"Fresenius has been an amazing place for me to work. I have been able to grow in my career starting as a PCT right out of high school and working my way up to a Registered Nurse on the floor and now a clinical educator. Everyone has become like one big family to me, From the patients to the coworkers. Dialysis has been such a rewarding job to me. Watching how we help each and every patient every day to live their lives to the fullest has been one of my biggest rewards. Now that I am in education I want to help our new hires be just as excited about helping others, as I have been. I want each of them to know that they can succeed and grow with Fresenius."
Brinda Richards, Clinical Educator

Describe an experience or memory that stands out when thinking of your 25 year career with Fresenius Medical Care?

"On December 26, 2015, an outbreak of tornadoes in North Texas wreaked havoc across multiple cities. Six employees in the North Texas Region were directly affected by these storms, with two losing everything, including their homes. The immediate response by the Fresenius team was positively inspiring… beginning with the Regional Vice President, Director of Operations, and Clinical Managers polling their employees to find out if everyone was okay. Once it was confirmed that we did in fact, have affected employees, our management team began reaching out to our many resources, seeking solutions for the immediate needs, as well as options for the long-term. After needs were determined, our team then reached out to the rest of the Fresenius family, and the “troops began to rally.” I hope the affected staff were able to feel our collective arms surrounding them, lifting them up. I was once again, awed by this amazing family… proud and grateful to be able to say I am a part of it!"
Terry Hall, Senior Administrative Assistant

"There are many memory's to include patient experiences, working with peers and providers, working with the Medical Office, and managers across the country to improve the quality of life of every patient, every day. I do remember two of my supervisors telling me that if I wanted to grow, that I needed to got get my Master's degree in Nursing. Fresenius helped not only pay but mentored me as I received higher education. I am not sure many company's provide the support Fresenius does today."
Melissa Baker, Director of Clinical Quality

Of all the memories that I have and continue to still see on a daily basis, is the FMC family coming together as one during any crisis. Be it on a local, national, or worldwide level. Coming together and rising above ANY OR ALL challenges to ensure the BEST practices to care for our patients and staff. The pride and the feeling of being grateful to say I work for the world’s best dialysis company is hard to express without tears. Just to know that I have improved of the quality of life for the patients is an amazing feeling."
Dawn Deibert, Value Based Initiative Coordinator

"One memory that stands out to me was how Fresenius dealt with hurricane Katerina . This was one time that I was proud to be employed with Fresenius. The way our company handled that disaster was awesome. they made sure all patients and staff were taken care of."
Cynthia Wells, RN, Charge Nurse

So many memories, but one I keep reflecting on, is when a patient asked me if I only thought of him as a number? I think he wanted to be remembered more than just a dialysis patient. I remember him. I wish I could say he ended up getting a transplant. He didn't want to get on the list. He ended up passing away from heart failure few years after. I remember him. I answered his question. No I do not think of you as a number. I know your name. I know your favorite foods. I know your wife. I know your sister. I know you. I will remember you. I remember him."
Noelia (Nelly) Tijerina, Renal Dietitian

"There are many experiences that I have experienced with patients and staff in my 25 year of tenure with FKC. The most impactful and memorable ones being when patients remember you and want to speak to you even after you are no longer their direct patient care provider or manager of the clinic. I can revisit the three clinics I worked at as a DPC and clinical manager today and there will be a patient or patient family member that will stop me and ask me what position I currently hold. They will typically reminisce on our experiences together and express a sense of pride that they in some way participated in my growth as a nurse and servant to our patients and community."
Jeff Tyer, Senior Manager Clinical Education

"The strength, determination and fight our patients have to keep going and live their life to the fullest is one of the most amazing things I have ever witnessed and been apart of. I'm so proud to have been part of these dialysis warriors lives and part of an amazing, dedicated team!"
Nicole, MacLeay, Preceptor III

“I am truly inspired by who we are and what we do to provide a better and sustained life for our patients. I knew from an early age that I wanted to help people. I was in school to be a Physician Assistant when I got my first job at Fresenius Medical Care. I hit a wall with organic chemistry, and I had to retake the class. I had great leaders and mentors at Fresenius Medical Care who asked if I might be interested in switching my focus, saying ‘we need business managers’. I was not interested [he chuckles]. After not passing the class again, I met with my business leaders, and I decided to change my major. This was an unexpected and wonderful experience. I benefitted from the company’s tuition reimbursement program and my leaders and mentors helped me grow by providing the opportunity to immediately apply to my job what I was learning in school. I once told one of my managers that there was no way that I could ever repay her kindness or thank her and others enough for the opportunity. She replied that there was no need to pay anything back. ‘Just watch for the next inspired person and help them when and where you can’. Ever since, I help as many people as I can to be great leaders and good stewards of the company.”
John Corrick, Regional Director Supply Chain

"Hurricane Katrina. Fresenius came in full force for all of its employees supplying everything we needed; including food, clothing, household supplies, shelter for employees and families as well as patients. The support was heartwarming and overwhelming. They truly demonstrated that they care about their employees like their own family."
Becky Starita, Staff RN,CDN

Congratulations to all of our colleagues celebrating their 25th career anniversary!

Are you ready to begin your career journey with Fresenius Medical Care?  

Olumide Abayomi-Paul | Manuel Abille | Shari R Acree | Kelly T Adams | Melissa Ann Adams | Karin Adkins Fernand | Raymund S Aquino | Nissar A Baher | Tariq M Baig | Teresa Bailey Stowers | Teresa G Bailey | Melissa H Baker | Elizabeth A Balemian | Amy J Bamford | Lynne M Bamford | Terry I Banville | Elizabeth A Barker | Louis LeeGrande Barrett | Dorothy E Bartlett | Nemesio G Batocabe | Celeste P Bayani | Tamara J Beckloff | Teresa H Bedwell | Jean T Belizaire | Gisele B Bell | Peter W Bergeron | Chandrekia M Bias | Mike Black | Pam Denea Black | Jose R Blanca | Lonnie Blankenship | Patricia Blaylock | Steven Bogatz | Tracy L Borsodi | Monette Bourgeois | Jane E Bowman | Sybil H Bridges | Kenneth J Brown | Melissa S Brown | Pamela Y Brown | Faye C Bruce | Monica U Bruce | Myra Paige Bryant | Christina M Buccino | Sheila D Buchanan | Carol A Buck | Teresa M Buff | Sara S Cala | Tammey D Campbell | Robert P Carmichael | Pamela K Caruso | Criselda Castillo | Catherine Diane Cato | Denise M Champagne | Anna M Chandler | Janice K Chiodini | Bernadette D Christmas | Kara D Cicero | Jadie T Clark | Bernice B Clayton | Carrie Ann Cochran | Linda L Coleman | Melissa A Comiskey | Susan Cordell | Francisco J Coronado | John Poole Corrick | Angela L Cox | Darla G Crawford | Laurie D Crawford | Renee C Creech | Robert D Crick | Peter P Cwik | William R Dame | Diana Davis | Earl Carroll O De Las Llagas | Dawn W Deibert | Nancy Delgado | Pamela S Delozier | Ricky L Demerest | Steffanie A Dickerson | Shirley Rallo DuPont | Laura E Dunston | Terri D Dupuy | Ronald Eberhart | Judith Echevarria | Susan E Edwards | Floyd L Elder | Justina O Elumba | Kerry Epps | Meriam Escosar-Eklund | Ricardo Euresti | Luna M Fajardo | Judy M Fanelli | Lawrence M Fayette | Elizabeth S Ferguson | Melissa L Ferguson | Erin L Ferrari | Jennifer H Filyaw | Annee N Fish | Carrie A Fish | Agnes Sungas Flores | Luis M Flores | Donna S Foley | Tina Followell | Carl Patrick Fore | Sabrina S Francis | Nancy A Fredette | Lorraine P Friess | Michael S Fryer | Denise C Gallivan | Lisa Gariano | Karen L Garrison | Cynthia Y Garza | Viretha E Gipson | Alline M Golding | Debra Gonzalez | Letisia Gonzalez | Theresa Louise Gonzalez | Robert Graff | Christopher R Graves | Katherine A Gray | Helen B Greathouse | Francisco D Guerra | Melissa D Gulczynski | Charlotte A Haddox | Amera Haider | Terry S Hall | Thomas Hall | Chet R Hamel | Christina M Happel | Chris D Harris | Pinkie V Harris | Sherry L Harrison | Kevin V Heaney | Angelica R Hedaria | Brian E Higgins | Quinta H Hightower | Nancy A Houser | Yuchu J Hsueh | Caledonia Hunter | Sebra V Hunter | Tracy A Hutchinson | Maribeth J Huyett | Cynthia T Ivey | Cristina Javier | Donald W Jenkinson | Bonnie Jernigan | Stacy L Johnson | Miller David D Johnson | Kimberly R Johnson | Theresa Joiner | Christine L Jones | Kathy L Jones | Pamela Kadle | Cynthia L Kelsch | Vickey L Kenyon | Richard A Kerby | Jamie H Kingsley | Ronetta B Knight | Miller Sau Ling Koo | Susan Kovy | Joy L Krown | Michelle L Kuklock | Beata K Kundera | Stephenie L Kuschewski | Barbara A Lambert | Mary Lanel Lassiter | Linda S Leathers | Beverly Rochelle Lee | Angela Leftwich | Maria L Leonard | Charlene E Levin | Mark A Lind | Sharon M Lindley | Michael Linkous | Marsha G Little | Tonya R Little-Edwards | Timothy M Lloyd | Mary Lollar | Marie A Lowman | Nicole M MacLeay | Laura L Macha | Helen Manalac | Vita M Marfoglia | Juan Martinez | Antonio G Martins | Felicia S Martins | Deborah S Marychuk | Stella R Mason | Claudia N Masupha | Josette C Mathena | Jennifer L Mc Aloon | Kathleen A McConahy | Jane C McDonnell | Regina R McFarland | Maria A McGoldrick | Sarah B McMillan | Wynona J Melson | Marinella Mendez | Julian E Mendoza | Stephanie Meyer | Kristina L Minch | Lucina R Montecillo | Gloria E Montoya | Ma Armi N Morales | Patricia C Morgan | Teresa Mullin-Larsen | Freman J Murphy | Michael R Myers | Marilyn Najar | Cynthia A Navarro | Elza G Navejar | Azucena Negron | Soto Kenneth Elliott Nelson | Linda G Newkam | Dung Thi Kim Nguyen | Melissa K Nylund | Joylin Delgado Ordonio | Mary A Ortiz | Kimeran W Owens | Azucena T Paguio | Brenda L Pampel | Sheila Denise Pamplin | Tiffiny Parker | Annie L Parks | Kathy L Parmar | Shilpa J Parmar | Lee S Parrott | Brayden M Patcyk | Vivian Patton | Denise E Peake | Yolanda Cerise Peay | Joann Pena | Sherry D Peoples-Boykin | Dawn Perkins | Sheila Perrault | Marcia J Perry | Dharmindra Persaud | Dave Peterson | Heather L Peterson | Susan B Picard | Dorothy C Plank | Richard J Plauche Jr | Carla A Pothering | Pamela J Puryear | Rosemarie D Quicho | Marina D Quick | Lori A Quinn | Diana Quinones | Jon L Quyle | Jeffrey L Ralston | Lawrence Phi Rasler | Luann P Recker | Sonia Repoll | Sheila Bravo Reuskens | Brinda S Richards | Monica M Richards | Cynthia A Rios | Janice M Roberts | Ronald E Robinson | Lydia E Rodriguez-Perez | Deborah A Rogers | Hilda Roman | Irene Romo | Lisa M Ruggieri | Debbie L Rupp | Federico P Ruta | Jacqueline J Sampson | Grace A Sanchez | Norma Sanchez | Maita B Santiago | Maria B Sarcona | Cheryl T Savage | Andrea L Schaefer | James K Scharmann | Janet B Schueller | Lisbeth M Schwebke | Lavalle K Scott | Margaret D Seltzer | Terri Sexton | Nuzhat Shakeel | Aimee J Shaughnessy | Julia M Sherrod | Debra Robin Siegler | Roberto Sierra | Sandra Silvia | Jeanne M Sims | Todd J Sisson | Michelle L Skinner | Ricky Slaughter | Jacqueline A Smith | Natalie Kaye Smith | Susan Smith | Debra M Smith-Edwards | Laurie M Smith-Kinney | Brian Soave | Germaine M Somers | Andrea I Sonson | Charito S Soriano | Jackelina Sosa | Pablo A Soto | Iris V Stallworth | Rebecca L Starita | Ronald A Steele Jr | Kerri R Stevens | Amy S Stevey | Zelinda A Stewart | Christina E Stirling | Eric W Stroup | Stephen Swafford | Christopher J Tatesure | Brenda Lynn Teel-Lash | Betsy S Tell | Anna M Tenorio-Damon | Rita S Thorson | Noelia L Tijerina | Alberto Tizol | Fernando C Tolentino | Karen Trevino | Julie A Tryon | Cynthia M Tudi | Jeffrey S Tyer | Deborah G Tyler | Fredy Ulloa | Noel Valdriz | Edward R Valley | Jennifer K VanderWaal | Gerardo V Varela | Josephine D Varias | Heidi A Vassallo | Marie Vazquez | Marian Waddell | Barbara L Wagner | Robert Walker | Lynne M Walrath | Lisa R Waniak | Alice M Watkins | Rose Mary Weaver | Suzanne Weimer | Cynthia D Wells | Barry P White | Lorraine B White | Christopher Whitmore | Sheryl L Willcutt | Jolene Williams | Kristin K Williams | Tiffany A Williams | Desiree D Wilson | Leola B Wilson | Rebecca Lynn Wingard | Debra Taylor Wolsiefer | Ella M Woods | Sheila K Woods | Alixia Worman | Lori C Wunstel | Matthew D Yoder | Emerita M Yumul | Mary Jane L Zamora | Fansan Zhu | Jeanine R Zurbuch

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